Chris Scott & Associates -

LP-3 Standard H-field antenna Electrostatically Shielded Broadband Loop

More engineers use the LP-3 for AM measurements than any other antenna  

(out of production)

The LP-3 mounted on a tripod

The LP-3 series standard H-Field Antenna is specifically designed for emission measurement of AM broadcast stations using a spectrum analyzer or other calibrated receiver. The electrostatically shielded loop provides unmatched E-field rejection. The bi-directional null pattern allows greater than 25 dB reduction in interference from other carriers as well as convenient attribution of subject emissions.

Optimal broadband design permits accurate bandwidth and harmonic measurement. Antenna factor calibration, documentation, and applications manual is also supplied. A camera tripod with standard threaded mounting is recommended for most work.  

The LP-3, introduced in 1994, has become the industry standard for AM broadcast testing.  Used by the top consulting engineers, as well as government regulatory agencies. Some folks write us with their experiences.



  • Null depth: Greater than 25 dB (30 dB typical)
  • Output Impedance: 50 ohms
  • Connector: BNC
  • Optional mounting: female 1/4 - 20
  • Size: Major diameter: 18", shield diameter: 2"
  • Calibration: +/- 1.5 dB, .50 - 5.0 MHz + - 3dB 5-10 MHz.
  • Weight: 5 lbs
  • Construction: Die formed and cast aluminum.
  • Documentation: Detailed manual and antenna factor calibration record.
Click here for a large photo of the LP3

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